Natural gas for your business!
Latvijas Gāze – a joint-stock company, 20+ years on NASDAQ, and a highly experienced partner – offers to the Baltic and Finnish market natural gas consumers steady supply and solutions for individual business needs.
Natural gas
Latvijas Gāze is a reliable and stable partner that has been operating in the natural gas supply market since 1991. We offer consumers in the Baltic and Finnish markets favourable prices for natural gas, secure supplies and individual solutions that meet the specifics of each company’s operations.
When buying natural gas from Latvijas Gāze, you can choose a product with a fixed or variable gas price (fixed to the stock exchange index), or an individual solution.
The best option if you want to accurately plan and control the costs of gas supplies in the long run, as well as in cases where gas consumption is even throughout the year.
- The price of natural gas is fixed for a specified number of months
- You only have to pay for gas you actually consume, no Take or Pay obligations
- A simple contract procedure, transparent terms, fast service
- There are no restrictions on natural gas consumption
Variable price
This will be suitable if You want to take advantage of global natural gas market trends, price fluctuations (decreases) caused by supply and demand at the exchange, as well as in cases where gas consumption is variable, depending on seasonal or other conditions.
- The price changes every month according to the fluctuations at the Gaspool exchange
- Consumption can be harmonized with the expected price fluctuations
- You only have to pay for gas you actually consume, no Take or Pay obligations
- A simple contract procedure, transparent terms, fast service
- You can change the tariff without having to pay for an early termination of the contract
Individual solution
Many years of experience allow us to develop an individual solution that will benefit You and fully meet your business needs.
- Favourable gas price
- Individual contract conditions drafted just for You
- The solution will exactly meet Your requirements and business needs
- You only have to pay for gas you actually consume, no Take or Pay obligations
- A simple contract procedure, transparent terms, fast service
Choose the natural gas supply product that suits You the best! We will also take care of all the formalities related to the change of the natural gas supplier.
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In 2023, in the Top 101 of Latvia’s Most Valuable Enterprises, jointly created by financial services company Prudentia and Nasdaq Riga, Latvijas Gāze was recognised as a leader in its sector, taking 2nd place, and was ranked the 16th most valuable enterprise in Latvia, ranking four places higher than in 2022.

On 6 September, Latvijas Gāze participated in the Dienas Bizness conference “Heat Supply and Energy Technologies 2023”. The conference brought together experts from the energy sector to find answers to questions about the availability and price of heat supply services in the upcoming heating season, moments before the start of the new heating season.

As of 17 July 2023, AS Eesti Gaas will become the sole owner of GASO.

Responsible business
Natural gas — an environmentally friendly energy resource
Natural gas is an efficient, clean, environmentally friendly and economical source of energy. It has a high calorific value (10 kWh/m³) and low carbon dioxide emissions, making natural gas an important alternative to other fossil fuels, such as coal. The world has large reserves of natural gas, and it is therefore believed that the price of natural gas will remain advantageous for many years to come.
Using natural gas significantly reduces air pollution. When burned, it causes much less pollution with carbon monoxide, sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, soot, ash and heavy metals as compared to coal, wood products and liquid fuels. CO₂ emissions from natural gas combustion are 45% lower than from coal and 30% lower than from petroleum products. For instance, in order to produce about 290 kWh of heat, natural gas will produce 53 kg of CO₂ when burned, compared to 90 kg from anthracite coal and 72 kg from petroleum products (heavy fuel oil).
Natural gas is transported via pipelines, so it does not put an extra strain on roads. Using pipelines for natural gas transportation also does not cause significant energy losses, resulting in lower carbon dioxide emissions during transportation. Pipelines ensure continuity of supply and delivery directly to the consumer in the required amount, therefore no additional resources are required to deliver the fuel to the user.
Responsible business
Corporate social responsibility
Latvijas Gāze is a socially responsible company that systematically reviews the impact of its operations on the environment, employees, customers, entrepreneurship and society, investing in the development of sustainable, environmentally friendly business and contributing to the public wellbeing. In particular, we emphasize responsibility for the environment, responsibility towards our employees, responsibility towards our customers and partners, and responsibility towards society.

Latvijas Gāze helps others to obtain an environmentally friendly energy source – natural gas, and also actively uses the advantages provided by the development of environmentally friendly technology. Our goal is to maximize the use of natural gas in different areas where other fossil fuels are currently used, including energy, heating and transport. For instance, the company has been popularizing and developing the use of CNG (compressed natural gas) in road transport, thus facilitating a faster transition to the use of environmentally friendly fuels.
Latvijas Gāze takes care of the wellbeing of its employees. Workers are provided with a safe and healthy working environment, including safe and healthy workplaces, technical resources and personal protective equipment. The company has entered into a collective agreement with the LAKRS trade union of public service and transport workers.
Latvijas Gāze pays special attention to professional ethics and takes a zero-tolerance approach to corruption and bribery in relation to services both provided and received. Latvijas Gāze cooperates with a very large number of customers on a daily basis, the company has 116 employees, therefore we pay great attention to the protection of privacy and personal data. The company strictly adheres to the personal data protection requirements set by both national and European Union laws and regulations.
Latvijas Gāze is convinced that natural gas users can help reduce its impact on the environment, therefore customers and other interested parties are regularly educated about the possibilities of saving energy resources, including natural gas. The company is also working to persuade consumers in all segments to replace obsolete, inefficient equipment with more modern solutions. We believe that it is important to participate in various social processes and that is why Latvijas Gāze supports sports, art and the healthcare system.
Responsible business
Energy efficiency
Business owners and managers have to take care of various payments on a daily basis – employee salaries, rent, utility bills, taxes. A good way to plan your business costs smartly is to use and save energy resources wisely. Saving one kilowatt hour is easier and cheaper than producing it! Below are some tips to make a change in your work environment.
Studies have found that reducing the temperature in a room by 1°C can save up to 5% of the energy required to heat that room. An effective solution is programmable thermostats, which automatically adjust the temperature when there is no one in the building, and allow you to maintain different temperature modes in different places. The recommended temperature for office premises is 19°C to 21°C, for production premises, workshops – 16°C to 19°C, for warehouses 10°C to 12°C.
Obsolete equipment and devices no longer work with maximum efficiency, so they are worth replacing. Energy-efficient appliances are likely to be more expensive but consume less energy, resulting in long-term savings. In order for the devices to last as long as possible, they must be regularly and properly maintained. We recommend that you thoroughly research the market and consult specialists before buying new equipment in order to find the best and most energy-efficient solution.
Changeable weather and cold winters in our region make energy efficiency a very important matter. Are the buildings heat resistant enough? Does heat not "escape into the air" through walls, doors, windows? How energy efficient is the energy production process?
A professional energy audit will help you to understand how efficiently energy is being used and find the optimum way to improve the situation.
The audit should cover 90% of the entire enterprise, distinguishing between energy consumers and energy consumption volumes, including energy resources used for heating buildings, lighting, hot water, electricity used for the operation of ventilation systems, and energy consumed during the industrial processes.
Decisions on practical solutions to save electricity, gas, heat are made by the company’s management, but care must be taken to engage all employees in energy-saving measures. Educate the employees about energy efficiency, encourage them to come up with their own ideas how to save energy. Appoint those who will be responsible for introduction of the good practice.

About Us
Latvijas Gāze
Latvijas Gāze is one of the leaders in the energy market of the Baltic region, the company is engaged in wholesale and supply of natural gas to business customers, mostly manufacturers and energy companies in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Finland.
Since 15 February 1999, the shares of Latvijas Gāze have been listed on the Nasdaq Riga stock exchange. This proves that the company adheres to the principles of good corporate governance, information transparency and openness in its operations. At the beginning of 2017, the natural gas market of Latvia was deregulated and in accordance with the requirements of the European Union Latvijas Gāze was split. Unified gas transmission and storage operator Conexus Baltic Grid, which also runs the Inčukalns underground gas storage facility, was established, while distribution system operator Gaso was separated from Latvijas Gāze in December of 2017.
Due to the climate of the region, natural gas plays an important role in the production of heat and electricity. The transmission system, which connects the Latvian natural gas market with Lithuania, Estonia and Northwest Russia, allows traders to ensure flexible and secure supplies to end-users, as well as opens up broader international transit opportunities. Opportunities to work throughout the region are also being expanded by the natural gas market FINESTLAT, which brings together Latvian, Estonian and Finnish gas transmission operators. As a result, Latvijas Gāze can also offer stable gas supplies at favourable prices to customers in Estonia and Finland.
To contribute to the Baltic region's economy by ensuring the reliable, safe and flexible supply of natural gas to households and enterprises at competitive prices.
To improve the societies’ well-being by promoting the use of natural gas as a source of clean and high efficiency energy towards the climate neutrality.
To strengthen the position of Latvijas Gāze Group as a leader in the Baltic and Finnish energy market by becoming the natural gas supplier of first choice for customers and by ensuring the most stable supply of natural gas for the entire region.
Who we are
Development of the Latvian gas market
Contact us
Please do not hesitate, write to us now to request information — we will offer the most suitable gas supply solution for your business!
Egīls Lapsalis
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